Transformers CFG
Grammar-constrained text generation with Transformers models
Professor — Lab:
Robert WestData Science Lab

Layman description:
The transformers_cfg library allows you to control the output of language models like GPT-3 by providing a set of rules (grammar) that the generated text must follow. This is useful for generating structured data like code, JSON objects, or any text that needs to conform to specific patterns or rules. The library works with popular language models and provides an easy way to incorporate grammar constraints into the text generation process without modifying the underlying models.
Technical description:
Transformers_cfg is an extension library for the Hugging Face Transformers library that enables grammar-constrained text generation. It provides tools and functionalities to work with context-free grammars (CFGs) for natural language processing tasks involving CFGs. The library supports various Transformer models, including LLaMa, GPT, Bloom, Mistral, and Falcon, and offers features like multilingual grammar support and integration with Text-Generation-WebUI.
Project status:
active — entered showcase: 2024-04-16 — entry updated: 2024-04-16

Source code:
Lab Github - last commit: 2024-04-13
Code quality:
This project has not yet been evaluated by the C4DT Factory team. We will be happy to evaluate it upon request.
Project type:
Programming language: