This project has been retired from the C4DT Factory Incubator

We do not host this demo anymore, but you can find its code here and use the instructions to run it on your own computer! Stainless Archive.


The Stainless demonstrator shows how Stainless helps develop Smart Contracts free of errors. It provides an interactive environment where the user can verify prewritten Smart Contracts, deploy them on a blockchain, and call their functions.

A first introductory scenario involves a Candy Shop that maintains its candy balance with a simple Smart Contract, which prevents people from cheating by taking away more candies than are available. A second scenario illustrates a bug in a Smart Contract that appeared on the Ethereum blockchain a few years ago, and led to a controversial fork to prevent significant monetary loss. It also explains how Stainless could have prevented it.

The following screenshot shows the start of the demonstrator. The tutorial (2) will guide you through the various elements of the interface and help you on your way.

Please note that this demonstrator is fairly technical, and requires the user to have a background in software development and blockchain technology to fully benefit from it.

For more information, contact the C4DT Factory