A ground-truth fuzzing benchmark suite based on real programs with real bugs
Professor — Lab:
Mathias PayerHexHive Group

Home page:
Technical description:
Magma is a collection of open-source libraries with widespread usage and a long history of security-critical bugs and vulnerabilities. In light of the need for better fuzzer evaluation, we front-ported bugs from previous bug reports to the latest versions of these libraries. For each ported bug, we added in-line (source-code-level) instrumentation to collect ground-truth information about bugs reached (buggy code executed) and triggered (fault condition satisfied by input). This instrumentation allows a monitoring utility to measure fuzzer progress in real time.
Project status:
inactive — entered showcase: 2020-02-21 — entry updated: 2024-04-12

Source code:
Lab Github - last commit: 2022-12-07
Code quality:
This project has not yet been evaluated by the C4DT Factory team. We will be happy to evaluate it upon request.
Project type: