Estimate your perception of carbon footprint
Professor — Lab:
Matthias GrossglauserComputer Communications and Applications Laboratory 4
Victor Kristof

Home page:
Layman description:
For the climate, flying to New York is worse than taking a long shower. But is it 10 times worse or is it 1000 times worse? The carbon footprint of our actions have been widely analyzed and quantified, but it does not mean that people are well aware of their impact. With this project, we would like to understand people’s perception of their carbon footprint, and how does it compare to the actual carbon footprint of actions they take. This could help climate scientists, sociologists, news outlets, politicians, and the general public to improve climate communication and enhance climate action.
Project status:
unknown — entered showcase: 2023-04-24 — entry updated: 2023-04-24

Code quality:
This project has not yet been evaluated by the C4DT Factory team. We will be happy to evaluate it upon request.
Project type: